Czahr’s Strange Invitation
I've been with Beck since the beginning. Mellow Gold was my first exposure, and from there I bought all of the 7" releases I could find. At some point before Odelay came out, I chanced across a bootleg CD at Cheapo in St. Paul that had an early version of Jackass on it, called Strange Invitation. Its not so different from Jacakass, just being a little more of the standard junk-folk that Beck did in the earlier days. It was my favorite track on the boot and I learned it right away, adding it to my repertoire of songs that I enjoyed playing for myself.
For this version I wanted to do something a little different. I had the idea of an old cowboy sitting by a campfire under the stars, perhaps a little high, and telling a story. My old man voice is more "Mike Patton doing RV" and less authentic grizzle, but it'll do. I didn't use anything fancy, just a Dean acoustic guitar, Honer harmonica and Garage Band.