“Walking on a Thin Line” with a little help from my friends

I’m a loud motherfucker. You know this. Frankly, my recent vocal deliveries have been a little out of character from the classic Neil approach of “belt-it-out-with-feeling.” While it’s probably made my pandemic music more palatable than my earlier work, I’ve longed for the chance to let it rip. When I saw a Huey Lewis song on Danforth’s playlist, I didn’t have to think twice about my first cover choice.

As with my Long Division and Summertime Rolls covers, I started by enlisting the drumming talents of Tom Stromsodt. He was able to create an amazing drum track over what I considered to be the world’s sketchiest scratch track. I was then able to layer on multiple baritone ukulele parts, different bass lines, and some midi keys. Then I waited until my wife and son were out on a walk, set up my laptop in the bathroom and quickly sang the songs through three times in a row before they got back home. I now had most of the elements with the exception of the solo part, so I reached out to Matt Rahaim to add some of his magical “korgitude” (technical Landlovr term). Matt’s microbrute alchemy really brought it all together. In the end, I took my mix and sent it to Tom, who ran it through his system and created an even better mix. It was a great collaboration.

Thanks for working on this with me, Tom and Matt!


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