
Jeff Esterby

I think of Jeff Esterby as a man of mystery and intregue. I believe I first met him somewhere around the turn of the century, but I can’t be sure. I had known about Jeff for some time prior to actually meeting him, so I’m not certain which parts of my Jeff memories are real experiences and which are my own invented Esterby fan fiction. I can say with absolute certainty is that Jeff is both hilarious and just a great fucking guy in general, and then you layer on top of that the fact that he’s wicked talented.

It’s not surprising that Jeff would be the source of legends, as his abilities are undeniable. People would whisper about his amazing illustration skills and the cool projects he was quietly doing for high profile clients. There were the rumors about incredible dj gigs in exotic locations and his infamous Beck remix. And at the same time, there were also public examples of his musical prowess, as he performed in amazing bands including one of my favorites, the Deaths. He played a bunch of instruments incredibly well, but his vocals were the thing that always stood out the most to me. He’s got a great timbre and delivery. Jeff is also a master at crafting melodies. It’s a dangerous combination.

Jeff continues to make excellent music as thousandisland. I would highly recommend you check it out. I’m seriously honored and stoked to have him as part of basement sketches.

Project 12

Project 5

Project 4

Project 3


Christopher Danforth


Jeff Mooridian